Overheard in on a Winter's Day in Joshua Tree

Woman: "It's crazy here."
Ranger: "Oh?"
Woman: "You know Jesus and Joshua are the same name?"
Ranger: "Oh?"
Woman: "So it's just crazy that this place is called Joshua Tree."
Ranger: "Well the Mormons named the Joshua trees due to their branches' arm like appearance, and there are a lot of Joshua trees here."
Woman: "But Jesus saves."
Ranger: "Oh?"
Woman: "Do you feel saved in this place? Look at it!"
Cue very calming desert scenery where the sun is not trying to kill anyone and people are comfortably ensconced in their on trend sweaters and hats with perfect hair and fresh nails which are visible due to sufficient ambient temperature to not require gloves.
Ranger: "You should come back in the summer. It's nice now."
Woman: "This place is as far from salvation as you can get... Do you have any hikes you recommend?"